
Standard Prescription

palivizumab __mg IM x 1 dose (__mg/kg/dose), repeat in 3 weeks, then qmonthly ; stop date: _____


IM: 15 mg/kg/dose once a month during anticipated period of RSV risk.

For a typical RSV season the initial dose is given in November and a second dose is given 3 weeks later. Continue dosing at 4 week intervals until March of the RSV season.

For cardiopulmonary bypass patients, give one dose after procedure.

(Exact start and stop dates of the RSV season is declared by the BCCH Virology Laboratory based upon diagnostic isolate numbers).

Mechanism of Action

Vaccine; monoclonal antibody; inhibits RSV replication.

Forms Supplied

Injection: 50 mg/vial, 100 mg/vial


Given by IM injection only.

Recommended for patients at high risk for contracting RSV lower respiratory disease. Refer to BC RSV Immunoprophylaxis eligibility criteria.

Prior to use, the physician must complete the BC RSV Immunoprophylaxis Request Form (Child Health BC website: www.childhealth Fax completed request forms to the Pharmacy Department at Children's & Women's Health Centre of BC at 604-875-2879 (lower mainland) or 1-877-625-7888 toll-free (outside lower mainland).

Injection volumes > 1 mL are given in separate sites.

Anaphylaxis has rarely occurred; be prepared to treat with epinephrine.

Use with caution in patients with thrombocytopenia or any coagulation disorder.

Safety and efficacy have not been demonstrated for treatment of established RSV disease.

Does not interfere with response to routine childhood vaccines.


44, 288, 646

Last Edited

2022-07-28 01:19:08